The Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) certification from the Healthy Children Project is the premier National Certification for the United States. CLC certification holders have passed core competancies and skill verifications that are ANCC aproved as Nursing Skills Competencies.

What is a CLC?

A Certified Lactation Counselor or CLC, is a specialized Individual who has received training and competancy verification in breastfeeding and human lactation support including :

  • helping a baby latch on
  • counseling mothers
  • knowledge of milk production
  • practical feeding
  • special circumstances
  • feeding dificulties
  • prevention and management of sore nipples
  • breastfeeding and returning to work or school
  • and more...

  • All of this gives the CLC a strong foundation with which to help babies and moms with their breastfeeding needs.

What do they do?

A CLC understands that breastfeeding decisions are made by the mother, who may have values and goals different from the counselor. A counseling approach is used to elicit information and provide appropriate support to the mother and her familiy. The CLC works to help solve problems in conjunction with other professionals and strive to, assure appropriate referals and recommendations... More information in Services...

How do they help?

The ways a CLC helps the community, mothers and the babies are numerous and varied. A CLC works to increase breastfeeding rates in their communities, advocates for social change in attitudes and behavior regarding breastfeeding, teaches breastfeeding classes, and assists mothers in successfully breastfeeding exclusively and for longer durations.

Healthy Children Project in America:

Healthy Children Project, the leader in lactation education in the United States, is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving child health outcomes. Healthy Children Project educates more than 2000 people a year, more than 13,000 people have achieved the Healthy Children Project CLC Certification in the United States.


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